Book of Abstracts and Contributed Papers will be distributed at the meeting.
Participants should use the Word Template for abstract (max 2 pages) or Contributed paper (max 6 pages).
and send it by October 25th, 2024 via e-mail to:
Please, in the subject of the email, indicate either "Abstract" or "Contributed paper".

We are going to publish selected papers presented at the conference in the journals Advances in Space Research and Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso (CAOSP).
We welcome not only contributions from participants of this meeting, but also all original and high-quality relevant manuscripts from scientists working on above-mentioned topics. We look forward to receiving your contributions. The deadline for paper submission is December 15, 2024 for CAOSP journal and January 31, 2025 ASR journal.

"Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso (CAOSP)" - Special Issue
For more details on the journal, please follow this link:
The article, based on your conference presentation, should be prepared according to the requirements of the journal. Please prepare your manuscripts following the official CAOSP instructions, see link:
The deadline for paper submission is December 15, 2024. All papers will be peer reviewed.
Authors are required to submit their manuscript electronically by sending a LaTeX source file and a resulting PDF file named after the first author name and surname (e.g. name_surname.tex, name_surname.pdf), and figures (*.eps) as one file (zipped, or tarred & gzipped) by e-mail to: Please, in the email subject indicate the name and surname of the first author.

Advances in Space Research (ASR) - call for a special topical issue entitled:
“Astrophysical Spectroscopy and Data in Investigation of the Laboratory and Space Plasmas”

We welcome high quality and relevant manuscripts from all scientists involved in astrophysical spectroscopy and data work. Papers must be submitted electronically to
To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, authors must select “Special Issue: Astrophys. Spect. & Data” when they reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process.
The general format for submission of papers can be found on the ASR Elsevier web site at
Submitted papers must be written in English and should include full affiliation postal addresses for all authors. Only full-length papers will be considered for publication, subject to peer review by a minimum of two reviewers. There are no page limits although the length of the paper should be appropriate for the material being presented. While the deadline for submissions is 31 January 2025, papers will be published electronically as soon as they are accepted.
The detailed Announcement of a Special Issue of Advances in Space Research can be found here.